So my 365 completion date is upon me with under a week to go... I'm not going to pretend I loved doing it every - single - day, but on the whole I am very happy with the result. I'll blog monthly collages as soon as I get chance (so like in 2017...), but for now I just want to share with you a funny aspect for me of this photographic journal.
Some days I would get a shot early in the day - in fact for most of the first few weeks - maybe even a month, I would plan and have an idea of something I would shoot that day. I'd get it done quickly and efficiently. And of course, on long, bright days in the summer and on days out with family I'd have plenty of images to choose from. I was never one to be too concerned with the *must-get-a-truly-artistic-shot-every-single-day*, but when I had chance to really plan that was great. It didn't take me long to just accept and embrace the fact that I was documenting mine and my families lives for a full year! And so much went on in this year... But any who - I digress - I'll go into more detail over that with a full year blog...
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So some days would be simple... And some days would not! I work mostly in lifestyle photography. Capturing moments - so naturally this sometimes means that time isn't on my side. I have to get the shot and get it fairly quick (parents will know what I mean - these pesky (now) 8, 6 and 4 year olds can be rather unforgiving when it comes to waiting around for the camera...) But I'm comfortable with that.
On the days where I had less daylight hours, no kids at home (alas this was the year my final baby started full time school) and dreary, typically dull British weather I would attempt still life photography. Please don't chortle at my attempts! I love all styles of photography, but because I don't practise it as much I struggle - always looking for a different angle or perspective... So here is where my blog post is going: Some days the 365 was a struggle - a real one. What would seems like an epiphany of "Oh, yes, I'll use this moment now for today's entry..." (and in my head imagining it would only take me a matter of minutes to grab my camera and have the shot done) would turn into a reality of changing perspectives - click - alternate lighting - click - shooting specifically for a black and white conversion - click - changing perspectives again - click - trying an arty out of focus shot - click - going macro - click - shallow depth of field - click - realising my iso was way off - click again - pulling back - click again... And this would go on and on, and before I knew it I'd spent the best part of an hour on the entry and had a compilation of shots of newspaper, a paintbrush and a picture frame!!
Ironically through (or fateful perhaps), the frame I was painting here is the one I will be displaying the final collages of this year long project within... So here you go. One day's "It'll take me two minutes" which actually took more than an hour from conception to completion! Ha!
Thanks for looking ~ Fleur x