There's too much to say right now. I've started this blog at least 4 times. I've typed and then hit the delete key over and over. I can't find the right words to express how I feel about my first born getting to double digits.
10 years have gone in a flash. We couldn't be more proud of the girl who first made us a family. A whole decade of parenting has completely flown by. And I feel like we've done OK. There's been many a tough time, hundreds of arguments, plenty of tears and tantrums - not just from her. Ha! But the be all and end all of it is that this kid (along with her younger sister and brother) makes us the happiest parents ever. I could carry on and on about how much I love her. But I don't need to do that. I'm certain many of you know exactly how I feel if you have children yourselves. High tens all round for our amazing offspring!
The following images were taken a few weeks before she turned 10. I had came across these fun sunglasses for a great price in Home Bargains and Lilli was excited to use them to create some new artwork for her bedroom wall. There was no pressure here. Just a Mum and daughter having fun. The studio wasn't even fully ready at this point - it was literally just a wooden box. But we didn't let that put us off.
As Lilli wanted these for her walls I opted for a variety of fun editing styles. Which I love. It was a bit of an epiphanic moment actually. I spend so much time thinking my work 'should' look like this or that. And it should stay looking like this or that. But why? I always describe myself as eclectic in my tastes. It's going to start coming through more in my work from now on too. Now that I'm officially old and wise! 😉 Or thats the plan anyway...
Thanks for looking,
Fleur x ~
(As always, click into the images to see them at full resolution. Cheers loves!)
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