Wednesday, 22 March 2017

What the Davies' do: 'A school skiver in her natural environment!'

I'd just finished lunch and the phone rang.  The house phone rarely rings - so I knew it could only be the call all parents dread...  A call from school!

True enough, when I answered, greeted with the "Oh hi Mrs Davies, it's *** Primary School here...."

My split second instincts were confirmed.  My middle one was poorly - she's never ill.  She never complains of feeling unwell and is generally an upbeat, fun loving kid; in school as well as at home.  So when she goes to staff within school to complain about a sore tummy and headache, they do tend to take her seriously.

Hence the phonecall...  I was told she'd eaten some lunch, but started to feel poorly and the member of staff I spoke to reported that she also was a bit of a funny colour.  Uh-oh!  There have been plenty of tummy bugs going around, perhaps her time had come?  I work from home mostly and fortunately could be at the school within 10 minutes to collect her.

I brought her home, tucked her up on the sofa, get her a warm juice and popped a Netflix movie on.  Classic 'feel better' routine.  And sure enough it worked.  All I can say is that she definitely knows how to beat the system if she fancies an afternoon chilled out on the couch.  She was back to her usual self within an hour - she obviously knows how to wrap her teachers around her little finger.

She was sent straight back to school the next morning!

Thanks for reading peeps ~ x Fleur x

(PS - the trick to seeing better quality versions of the images is to click on them... Cheers loves!)

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