It doesn't seem that long ago..... Is it really 8 years? That small but loud bundle. Bringing you home from hospital just in time for Daddy's first Father's Day. You shocked me more than I had ever expected. You made my life worthwhile, even though it took me a some time to realise it. You made our family whole and our futures bright. And everyday you remind me just what a blessing you are and always will be.
Seven has been a great year for you. You've learnt to ride a bike. You've fallen in love with reading. You can now swim like nothing I ever imagined. You are a dreamer and a lover, not a fighter. You make friends easily and have an infectious smile on your face so often.
You bite your nails (but you're trying hard to stop). You turn your nose up at the thought of wearing socks with sandles, but think it's fine to wear socks with jelly shoes. You boss your little siblings around and feel the need to have the last word, but I don't hold that against you because I do the same - wow - your teenage years will be fun.
You like to wear patterns on both your top and your bottom - at the same time! (I blame your Uncle Steve for that one). You don't have much sense of rhythm (*ahem* Daddy), but you do love to sing and dance. You like writing songs and drinking smoothies. You don't like cucumber, but gherkins are fine. You love the beach, but also the city. You have almost grown out of the duck face pout when I try to take your picture (at last!). And you love your family a lot. You look forward to things with such a passion that you need to know exactly what is happening and when - to the precise minute. You like to be prepared I guess...
So now you are 8, my little Bean head, and there's so much happening in this year to look forward to... Just don't change too much though. Stay young, stay dreamy, stay helpful and polite. Stay strong and brave, and thoughtful and considerate. Stay happy. Stay you.
Thanks for looking ~ Fleur