Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Let's here it for the boy......

Ok, this isn't the blog I was intending this week.  In fact up until last night it was going to be all about Trot (our tortoise) and his hibernation.  But something changed at around dinner time.  My husband came home.  He kissed me hello, greeted the kids lovingly and began to do his usual fatherly, husbandly stuff that he's more than happy to do...  Except he looked tired, he looked restless, he looked like a man with things on his mind.  And that's exactly what he is right now.  

Carl has done the same job the whole time we've known and loved each other.  Well, actually his role has changed over the years and adapted, but his employer and the general work type is the same.  When we met he loved it.  He had a tan all year round, he could leave his 'work head' at work so when he stepped through the door it was his own time.  Now I know there are tons of people who do a job where it doesn't end when you 'leave the office'.  That's fine.  In fact, my work is like that.  I'm self employed so I juggle what I do when I can do it in my day while I'm at home.  But the problem seems to be that because of others within the workplace he is unable to feel happy in this job that he once wanted so much and loved and is actually (somewhere deep down) still very passionate about.

He comes home everyday now with one crazy story or another which frankly appal me that he has to deal with within a 'workplace'.  Unfortunately the support team of people he confides in over work matters are not the ones who are in a position to do anything about the issues he has to accept.  And that's all he can do, accept...  And it's not fair.  He works hard, always goes out of his way to help and support others and it would seem that the time has come for him to get something back!

So this is for you Carl.  This is from me, and our children and anyone else who knows you and loves you.  This is our message to tell you that you are valued, appreciated, thought of so fondly and loved so very much.  You're a great friend, supportive brother, kind son, but above all an incredible husband and exceptional father - and all round - one of the good guys!  Your job might not be what you want it to be right now (let's hope some changes for the better are not too far in the future), but  right now, the roles you play in our lives are what matter the most to us...  WE LOVE YOU!

*I could have added hundreds of images!  But these I like best :)

Thanks for looking ~ Fleur x


  1. I'm crying xxx
    LOVE you Mrs D xxx

    1. You hit the nail on the head,im so emotional right now,thank you for putting into words and pictures how we all feel about Carl, i am so proud of him. you are a kind and loving wife, mother, sister, sister in law,daughter,daughter in law. I LOVE YOU ALL X X X X X

    2. You hit the nail on the head,im so emotional right now,thank you for putting into words and pictures how we all feel about Carl, i am so proud of him. you are a kind and loving wife, mother, sister, sister in law,daughter,daughter in law. I LOVE YOU ALL X X X X X
