Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Twinkle delivers some important messages...........

I'm not going to pretend I don't because I do - I LOVE C H R I S T M A S !!!  It really is the most wonderful time of the year.  I'm a big kid at heart and having young children of my own means that the magic can be real again.  And long may it live for many years!

Our first year with our elf Twinkle was last year.  She played such an important part in our festive fun and her frolics had us entertained for the whole month of December.  She brought Candy Canes, she delivered *interesting* snacks (Penguin Poo is surprisingly yummy!).  And she kept our days filled with excitement.

So this year she is back - and already on good form....  She arrived on the 1st and had decorated our tree beautifully (ahem...., thank you!).  Then yesterday when the kids arrived home from school she logged onto my laptop to access three very special video messages from Santa.

I simply could not let this series of images sit without a blog for them!  Hope you enjoy them.

If you get a chance to log onto the PNP website then do it!  Such a fun thing for your kids :)

Oh and the PNP website video message service do videos for adults too - Just sayin'! ;)

Reading the info letter that Twinkle left about their video messages.

Look at their faces!

My eldest's turn to see if she's on the naughty or nice list.......

Hmmmmm.....  She looks slightly anxious!

PHEW!!  Nice list.... She just better stay there now...  (I know this image isn't as sharp as I would've liked it but I was getting all giddy too and couldn't stay still enough for my settings - Ha!)

Thank you for looking ~ Fleur

1 comment:

  1. love it, im so excited for the children, and mummy and daddy xxxx
