So Mr Click has been my camera for a whole 12 months now. And I've loved every second of our partnership. I've played, experimented, learned, worked and surprised myself.. I've had tons of support and compliments from friends and family and I think I'm really starting to get 'there' with an area of photography I feel comfortable with... I'm not going to give that away right this second - I like to keep my options open ;) But finding human interest and fun, playful images within my photography has a real place in my heart!
This blog is a little month by month run down of images that I've really loved capturing over the last year and I'll tell you a little bit of where I was at that time too.... I hope you like them.
JULY 2013: My hubby! We took the kids strawberry picking on a sunny evening after school. Mr Click had only been mine for a week, so this was a perfect opportunity for a 'photoshoot'... When I took this image I was still on 'auto' (this was in portrait mode) but still I was happy with what Mr Click had to offer in the quality of images we got... |
AUGUST 2013: The 'Pretty Priory'. On a kid free afternoon I went down to Birkenhead Priory. I'd spent the previous weekend on a photography course and had learned the important lesson of how Mr Click's shutter speeds work and the aperture meanings. f stops and all that! The light in the Priory was just right for this shot. I won second place in a local competition with this AND went on to sell the entry print along with another larger A2 sized print! Yay!! |
SEPTEMBER 2013: Chester Zoo has been included heavily within my photography 'lessons'. I've been able to spend a lot of time there to get really fab shots of some of the animals. This shot was taken on the first Zoo trip that Mr Click had a zoom lens! It really was exciting being able to take such detailed shots of animals that usually would keep their distance. |
OCTOBER 2013: A walk with Miles in New Brighton. The weather was starting to prove a problem at this time of year to take pictures outside. So on this dry, crisp morning Miles and I grabbed Mr Click and set off. My thoughts for the images I went for was to just get lovely, natural portraits of Miles - he's not a 'poser' - he will look away (run away!) if you even hint at him to say "Cheese!", so this suited me just fine... |
NOVEMBER 2013: Bonfire Night.... Eeeeeeek! My first night time shoot. I didn't have a CLUE how any of the photographs I was taking were going to turn out. I played around with shutter speeds, attempted slow ones, but with me *STILL* lacking a tripod I was finding it difficult to keep still - made even more tricky trying to console a 6 and 4 year old who are scared of the loud bangs - and they were SUPER LOUD!! So, fast(ish) shutter speed came to the rescue. Ta-da! |
DECEMBER 2013: Merry Christmas! Lilli really should have some mistletoe shouldn't she? Another wet month, so most of my photography was indoors with my family. I remember feeling very comfortable with all my camera settings now. Having had a good few months of practice since the course I attended I was naturally thinking about composition. |
JANUARY 2014: Stormy weather hit this month. We had some fantastic sunsets and storm clouds over New Brighton at the beginning of the year. This guy was walking his dog (who had run down onto the beach) and his silhouette looked so interesting as I sat on the side of the prom. I had my zoom lens with me, so I managed to get this without 'getting in' this bloke's personal space. I did feel a tad like a stalker though! Ha! |
FEBRUARY 2014: The beautiful Olivia. My good friends had produced this gorgeous little girl in the summer of 2013. Olivia was 6 months old when we decided to have a go at 'the baby' photoshoot. A great age - personality beginning to show, character brimming and fully interested and aware of her surroundings. Olivia was a joy to photograph and being a Mum to 3 little leagues of my own meant that taking her pictures felt really natural and familiar. |
MARCH 2014: Oooooo - selfie!! (well, not quite) Hubby took this one of me and Miles on an *almost* spring time walk along the prom. The hazy sunshine and calmness of the evening really comes through on this I think... |
APRIL 2014: Yay - Spring has sprung.... I'm surprised actually that this is the only floral image I'm including. Flowers are what I've taken so many photographs of over the past year. They're good. They sit still, and tend not to pull any forced poses or turn away (well, unless there's a strong breeze). I think I love this image so much because of the colours and that they really do encapsulate the time of year that I took this. |
MAY 2014: Poppi - my cheeky little model. Poppi is very often my model. She doesn't 'pose' as such. She doesn't mind me clicking away in her face, she'll just get on with what she is doing. This photo, however, was my first 'freelensed' image. Basically detaching the lens from the camera and turning and fiddling, and eventually taking the shot without the lens properly attached. It creates a scrummy blur and I loved playing around with this technique. Poppi was quite shocked that Mr Click was 'de-robed' - as you can see from her expression. |
JUNE 2014: At home - capturing the beautiful everydaynesses! (Yep, that's a word - I checked...) Ok, so now this is where I'm starting to get to the place I want my photography to go. The natural moments that occur. Not posed, not contrived, just pure and what it is... I like getting down (or up) onto levels that make you feel included in the shot. Like you're there watching, taking it in too.... I've had many a strange look from people over the position I might get myself into to 'take a photo'. But that's the point isn't it? - I'm not seeing it as just 'taking a photo'.... :) |
JULY 2014: And so to the future.... Where will it take me? Who knows, but if the past 12 months is anything to go by - I'm EXCITED! I'm hoping you'll come along for the ride. (Yes, another photo taken with me lying down on my belly getting funny looks - and that was just from my son, Miles!) |
Thanks for looking ~ Fleur
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