Thursday, 27 November 2014

Photography project: Musicals....

I set myself a little challenge a while ago.  It was to create images that tip their cap to some of my favourite musicals...  I love a good musical so I thought this would be a fun project to undertake.  Some of my original ideas didn't happen but I'm pleased with how this little lot turned out.  I know there isn't many, but I went for quality over quantity (honestly I could've played with this theme forever!)   Now I just need to think up my next photography challenge.

Hope you like them...

"Sweetheart to miss (Sweetheart to miss). Sugar to kiss (Sugar to kiss)" ~ Blues Brothers.

"This is control. This is control. Tonight is race night.
Let's hear it for the champion engines of the world." ~ Starlight Express.

"I've grown accustomed to her face. 
She almost makes the day begin.
I've grown accustomed to the tune that
She whistles night and noon.
Her smiles, her frowns,
Her ups, her downs
Are second nature to me now." ~ My Fair Lady.

"What can I do? It pays a debt.
Ten francs may save my poor Cosette!" ~ Les Miserables.

"Nobody puts Baby in the corner..." ~ Dirty Dancing.

Thank you for looking ~ Fleur

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Get by with a little help from your friends.....

Goodness... It's been too long!

Can't believe I've been too busy to blog...  Could I really?  Well let's face it, this time of year gets super hectic when you've got kids.  It's full of Nativity rehearsals, Elf on the Shelf 'planning', gift buying, card writing and that's added onto the normal work and home stuff that we all already manage to get around to somehow.

So, I'm sharing something completely out of my comfort zone today.... A very good friend of mine, who also happens to be super creative and fantastically skilled at making things look pretty hopes to move her talents into accessories.  And they're sooooooo cute!  Seriously, my girls are going to model the hair clips and hair bands that she's created sometime soon and they are very excited about it.

My friend, like I said, is very artistic and I'm certain she could've taken great shots of her wares herself if she had wanted to.  BUT honestly, what better compliment can a friend give you than to trust you with helping out and lending a hand with something so dear to them?  I'm thrilled with these product shots.  They meet the 'clean and crisp' look that I know my friend loves, but they also feel like my style too - organic/natural/un-posed (Well, as much as that is possible with inanimate objects!)

I'll have to come back with an edit here to add Claire's website or FB page link when that side of her venture is put in place - so please, check back if you like what your see!

Thank you for looking ~ Fleur

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Stepping out of my comfort zone....

So I got to photograph something very special last weekend.  A wedding!

To be truthful, it wasn't the 'official' wedding day.  The Bride and Groom came together in holy matrimony a week earlier in Jamaica (*swoon*) and were back to celebrate with the rest of their family and friends.  I'd taken this booking a few months ago, so I'd had plenty of time to get excited (and nervous!).

Below are my favourite images I captured of them getting ready for their evening reception.  I think they're very much my style.  Natural.  Capturing the details they'd want to remember, the things that they might have missed or wouldn't have seen...  I hope you enjoy them too.

Thanks for looking ~ Fleur