Saturday, 31 May 2014

Rainbow colours.... My self-set 60minute challenge!

So I had a kid free afternoon at the end of this week...  I went to pick up a payment from selling a piece of work and decided that (freshly motivated by a sale) I should grab Mr Click and go shoot something!  I'm not sure at what point the idea came into my head but I decided to have a go at finding things from the colours of the rainbow in 60 minutes.  I didn't want obvious things as I drove around like road signs or flowers/plants (ignore photo 6 - Ha!)...  Here is the best I got... Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple.
I love how this door looks like it's leaning because of the road in front of it...  However, the door is straight in this shot.

I didn't stalk this guy..........................  Honest!

Super cute guide puppy in training, named Shadow.

Ok, so I did take a flower....  But this is a pansy.... On a wall. - It caught my attention!
Thanks for looking!

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Just a Lilli bit of drama........

I guess when you're 6 almost 7 some things are just too much to handle....  This happened to be the case last weekend for Lilli who was exasperated about something her younger sister had done.  It involved hand flaps, shrugs and grunts.... I couldn't tell you what the exact problem was.  I was too busy capturing it for blackmail material when she's older!